I no longer find my partner sexually attractive read article
There can be a number of reasons why people no longer like sharing a bed with their partner, no longer like to touch their partner and no longer feel any sexual attraction or desire for their partner.
How to communicate sexual fantasies read article
At the start of a relationship, the couple’s sex life is often entirely unencumbered and the amount of sex they have works for both parties. Over time, physicality within couples can wear away and become unsatisfactory for both.
Pregnant at 14 – what can you do? read article
Pregnancies are mostly not planned decisions in young women. Sexuality is often experienced at an early stage when the family situation is sub-optimal.
Contraception is relevant for everyone read article
Ignorance, a feeling of shame or incorrect information from sources that were not carefully selected – these are the obstacles that come up time and time again when it comes to talking about contraception with young people.