Increasing self-worth in old age
In his counselling sessions, Michael Thaler works with people who have lost meaning in their lives as they get older, be that because they have retired or because their children no longer live at home. “Many people ask themselves how they are going to fill their days. Women are often more creative and continue to make contacts, while men often still have hobbies that are frequently sporting in nature.” Relationships with partners also change in this time of getting older and need to be “re-structured”.
In talking to the expert, we have developed five key points that can help to strengthen self-worth again in old age:
- Learn self-love: you are responsible for yourself. Work on your relationship with yourself, try to be honest with yourself and be friendly.
- Keep and develop your passions: What have I always loved to do? What could I start again that I did as a hobby when I was younger? Or you can start something entirely new and discover talents you may not even know you had.
- Work on your relationship: try to discover new things with your partner, including about one another. Show an interest and ensure you have things to talk about.
- Trust your strengths and your skills: you know that you can do a lot. Reflect on everything you have achieved and accomplished in life.
- Maintain social contacts: your friendship group is one of the most important things when it comes to ensuring lifelong happiness and satisfaction. Keep the friends you have and try to make new ones. This could also be online.
If you want to talk to a professional about this topic, contact one of the numerous Austrian family counselling centres and make a free appointment.
Our interview partner
Michael Thaler is a clinical public health psychologist and runs the family counselling centre at the Institut für Sozialdienste in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg.
Institut für Sozialdienste
Beratungsstelle Dornbirn
Kirchgasse 4b
6850 Dornbirn
Website of the ifs
The interview was conducted in March 2023.